V&D report

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Not eating report 12/20 PM

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PM eating report

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Dogs who did not get fed dinner

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Blossom Danziger

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Eating Report AM

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health check

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V/D Report Sunday AM

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Blossom Danziger

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Jack Kearney

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Pebbles Williams

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After Feeding Report.

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Sasha Bittel

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Eating Report

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Health Report

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V&D Report

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V&D Report PM

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PM health check

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Not eating P.M.

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Not Eating a.m.

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Maya Villeneuve

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Update on PM feeding report

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Blossom Doberman

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AM V/D Report

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AM Eating and Health Report

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Not Eating Report PM

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Not Eating Tues. a.m.

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sick dogs in room 83 51 and 4

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Paylor Grove-Campbell

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PM Eating Report

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Sam Milove and Dory Langlinais

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Willie Satterthwait

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Am Eating Report

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Paylor Grove-Campbell

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Not Eating Sunday p.m.

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Kaiser Bohmann- GD

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Kaiser Bohmann

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Dogs that didn’t eat this afternoon:

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Asali and Uglay Johnson

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Dogs that aren’t eating this morning:

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Health Report 12/10 am

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Not eating Report 12/10 am

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Panzer Bradley

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sick dogs

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Rugahr England

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Enstein Mischler

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Tess Osborne

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PM Earting Report !2/9

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